
 Sundance Wines AB
P.O. Box 30049
SE-104 25 Stockholm

Phone. +46 – (0) 8 546 107 00
E-mail: info@sundancewines.se




Our company is part of the Martin & Servera Group and we aim to maintain a transparent business climate and a high standard of business ethics. We value the safety and respect of everyone affected by our business.

We have a Whistleblowing Service that can be used to report a concern about matters that is not in line with our corporate values ​​and business ethics, anything that may affect our company or a person’s life or health anywhere in the supply chain.

To read more about how it works, and how to submit an anonymous report, click here.

The reporting channel is provided by an external partner WhistleB, Whistleblowing Centre, to ensure anonymity. The reporting process is encrypted and password-protected. All reports will be processed in confidence.